They say a week is a long time in politics...
It's also a long time in Blog-land too. Not quite sure how I got through this week, so much seems to have happened!
Tuesday got my car MOT'd - so I'm good to go for another year.
Wednesday stayed in and watched The Match on the telly - it's funny how I've lived in Southend for 22 years almost and have never yet been to a match at Roots Hall...
Friday we went down to our local to see a live band called Replica. Not seen them before, they weren't bad but not as good as other bands we have seen there.
Today? Going to spend the afternoon crafting - I have 2 sets of Artist Trading Cards to make for swaps I've signed up for online and ONLY THEN can I start playing fully with the cybercrop mystery kit I received on Friday - I've got a few ideas on what to do with it but can't play until I've done the ATC's...